Shark Portable Steam Pocket

Also found on our Humor Blog - - where there are products that aren't quite so helpful.
Have you ever cleaned your bathroom with a black light that is rated to see germs and bodily fluids?  If not, I actually do not recommend it.  You will find that what you think is a clean bathroom actually - - -well, is not.  It's icky.  Okay, well at least mine was.  Of course we are talking about the bathroom that my five children share - one of which is a 6 year old boy, but I digress.

I took these pictures for your shock and enjoyment.  (and much to my mother's utter disbelief and embarrassment - sorry mom.)

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Yea, gross, right?

The thing is, this is AFTER I used a certain name brand spray cleaner to clean it up.

That's right, I said AFTER.  Apparently all it did was streak the icky mess downward.

So, I decided to heat things up a bit, and pulled out my Shark Steam Pocket.  I bought this thing not too long after my first steam cleaner machine pooped out on me.  Probably because I rarely used it, and it sat dormant for a while - I know - bad me.  Anyway - I filled it up and with some bursts of steam and a clean wash cloth (dry to wipe down with afterward...) this is the result...

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Pretty stinkin' amazing right?  And all of this with just WATER.  My bathroom smells fresh and clean, my  toilet passes the black light test, and I did it all without harsh chemicals or fumes.  Anyway, I love my Shark Portable Steam Pocket.  It also does this to my kitchen, my carpet, and my walls and baseboards.  Clean and fresh like a daisy...the whole house.


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