Litter Kwitter Update - Stage TWO.
So, Sly and I have moved into stage two of our Litter Kwitter
One thing I'd like to mention here - if you do intend to try out this Litter Kwitter thing - make sure that you know that your kitten is going to throw litter EVERYWHERE.
Also - make sure you have a slotted spoon you NEVER, and I mean EVER plan to use again (even when you have people over that you don't like. It isn't nice, or sanitary.) in the kitchen because the small grooves in the pan make it next to impossible to get anything bigger than a small slotted spoon into it to clean out your kitty's business.
Anyway - moving on -
we've moved on to stage two. The Litter Kwitter is still in stage RED (a solid ring that fits inside the toilet seat cover) but it has been moved up onto the toilet.
At first Sly was apprehensive.
Then he realized that he can kick and throw litter as hard as his little paws will allow and it hits the wall with a fun popping sound.
Yea, that's been entertaining.
He's also realized that because we have an elongated toilet, the Litter Kwitter doesn't exactly fit the whole the small one inch of space between it and the back of the toilet seat is PERFECT for his little paws to go thru and play with the water.
That has also been fun.
This stage is definitely not for the weak of heart - it is MESSY. And keeping the thing clean is almost more work than potty training a three year old child. BUT - at least it's a step in the right direction, and YES, he has used it today - which is a positive step in the right direction.
I am just hoping he doesn't figure out how to get his arm underneath it and flip it off the toilet seat.
Because yes, right now, that is my biggest fear. That, and the dog remembering that she likes the litter box as well. She's not quite as agile as a cat and well - that could only end badly.
Eye Tattoo
I’m not much of a makeup wearer.
Probably because I’m naturally beautiful…and humble…but mostly beautiful.
But the little bit of Makeup I do wear comes from one of those boutique-y shops that sells the kind of makeup that is supposed to be good for your face (because you know, purposely making your face dirty every day is good for it…)
Anyway – while I was shopping one day, I found these:
They are rub on tattoos – for your eyes! Forget trying to get the “smokey eye” with differing shades of brown and black – heck no! Just press one of these babies against your eye …
So you know I bought some, right? I had to try them out.
*the following story is true – although no photographic evidence exists – I swear, it’s true…I couldn’t possibly make this stuff up.*
I decided to buy the Smokey eye set – although animal prints were intriguing, I couldn’t think of any real-world applications for them – after all, it is JULY, not OCTOBER.
The instructions seemed simple enough, remove the protective backing, apply to eye, remove carefully and then brush with the setting powder.
I remove the protective backing.
I then take about fifteen minutes to look over the product.
I can’t seem to figure out which end is up. Does anyone know – for a smoky eye does the dark part go on top or bottom? I do a quick internet search and decide it goes on top…back to my project.
I cut the piece in half so that each “eye” is on a single piece of paper. I figure this is smart, because you see I don’t want to smudge the other eye while I’m working with the first one. I’m really proud of this discovery – because you see it didn’t say to do that in the instructions.
I lift the shadow to my eye and apply.
I then think back to my childhood days of temporary tattoos – you had to press HARD for those to transfer.
So the pressing commenced.
This is where I should note that this isn’t your typical tattoo…it’s powder with some sort of an adhesive built in. You can lightly brush your finger past, and it’s gonna get some shadow on it. But, I didn’t think of that. I PRESSED.
Note number two – don’t apply in haste – make sure it’s on straight.
I’m just sayin’.
When I removed – actually peeled – this thing back – first, it hurt. I’m not sure if it’s because of the extra pressing, or just because the adhesive is that strong…either way, it was not a comfortable experience. Again, pretty sure it was user related, and not product related.
I looked in the mirror at my handy work.
Not so much smoky eye – more like, well ---- (and this is NOT me) This:
Why the lack of photographic evidence you ask? Well – quite frankly, I was worried I’d scare my kids.
That and I was pretty sure my husband might make fun of me for life.
So I tried to scrub it off.
It didn’t feel good at all to scrub off. This stuff is definitely meant to stay.
Thank goodness I had some heavy duty makeup remover left over from Halloween.
It did leave me with some red eye lids which did scare the kids. I promise it was a lot less traumatizing than the smoky eye effect. Well, maybe…
The Litter Kwitter
I'm a gullible little pet owner that would have previously mocked this product on my other blog - but desperate times call for desperate measures.
Wow, say that out loud and it really does sound completely redonkulous doesn't it?
Okay, five minutes of public mocking and ridicule start: NOW.
Phase one of the master plan started yesterday when I moved his rather large, rather bulky litterbox to the bathroom from the laundry room. A quick inspection of said box this morning confirmed that he was okay with the new location - and it didn't confuse him at all. (The dog however seemed very annoyed as she has been using the litterbox from time to time for her own business, and to search for "kitty roca" as my friend Krista calls it...on another side note - ewwwwww!)
Today, we moved on to phase two...removing the rather big, rather bulky litterbox and replacing it with this small-ish toilet shaped thing filled with 5 cups of litter, and then introducing him to it.
Believe it or not, he seemed pretty okay with it. He scratched around, sniffed, dug some far he hasn't used it,but I can't force that, I just have to let nature take it's course, do I not?
Phase three is where I start to be concerned...see phase three through five cause issues for anyone else that might want to use that bathroom in the meantime, because the LitterKwitter replaces the regular toilet seat. And of course I just remembered we are hosting a Super Bowl party in a week and a half...this ought to be I tell the guests to use the upstairs bathroom, or tell them to scoop out their mess when they are done...hmmmmm....) At any rate, this should be interesting, and I promise to chronicle the progress here. Words of support and encouragement are welcomed, of course - as is the public mocking. I know this is crazy. I am embracing that. Who better to try something like this than me? Heh.
I potty trained five kids. A cat can't be that difficult. Right? Right????
The CandleBreeze.
I not only have one, but I wish I had one more!
If you like to cook with garlic, you’ll want one.
If you have pets, you’ll want one.
If you have kids (that often come with their own set of fragrances…) you’ll definitely want one!
What is a Candle Breeze you ask? It’s a flameless candle, that goes a little beyond a simple candle warmer. It has an integrated fan that allows the scent to gently waft through the house…filling up to 2500 square feet with only one unit.
That’s right sports fans…2500 square feet.
And it’s perfectly safe. (And since my recent house fire involving electric appliances…I’m even more paranoid than ever…but not about my CandleBreeze.)
My favorite scent (at the moment) is fresh peach, but vanilla sugar cookie is growing on me too…oh and fresh oranges and then there’s the cinnamon one…oooo and don’t forget the spiced wassail at Christmastime…On second thought, I have no favorite. I like them all.
The candlebreeze costs about $50.00 for a a large unit and comes with one scent. Replacement scents are about $7.00 each for the large units. You can purchase them from their website at
Three years ago, we lived in a town called Laveen, Arizona. It was the height of the wildfire season, and we were under a constant threat of evacuation as a fire burned approximately three miles from our home.
Even though we had two major roads to serve as fire breaks, I was still concerned. It isn’t every day that a fire threatens to wipe out your entire neighborhood, your schools, parks, stores, homes…Let’s just say it was a tiny bit disconcerting.
One thing I had working in my favor was this.
This is Life.doc - and it’s definitely a Fabulous Find. Inside this seemingly unassuming little binder are several tabs – organizing your most important documents and papers. There’s a place for birth certificates, immunization records, insurance policies, emergency contact numbers, health records (was little Jimmy allergic to penicillin or was it Tabitha?). It takes a few hours to set up and fill out – but worth every minute once done.
In addition, we also have Valuables.doc- the binder to help you catalog all your valuables and irreplaceable in the event of something truly unimaginable, like a wildfire or home burglary. There’s a place to store photos, receipts, serial numbers, and other important –yet easily forgettable in a stressful situation – information.
Get Buttoned UP! has products for organizing and simplifying many aspects of life. And I truly do consider them a Fabulous Find. Their binders start at about $20.00 and can be found at Target Stores, which is where I got mine.
Today’s product comes to us via my daughter, Ali.
Isn’t he cute??? Sure he is! So what IS he?
This is Zadyball … Baby Ringo the Octopus to be exact – and he’s cute as a button. His tentacles are perfect for baby to grab on to and hold, his body is soft and squishy and he has a special surprise inside…bells…but not the obnoxious loud bells, a perfect little jingle sound that entertains baby, and doesn’t drive mom crazy. The best part? This little lovey (that your child will CERTAINLY grow attached to) is machine washable! That’s right…try throwing that favorite teddy bear in the washer…go ahead, I dare you…No worries like that with the ZadyBall!
Zadyball has many different styles, animals, bugs, and simply round balls – AND she’ll customize one for you if you aren’t quite finding your favorite little buddy on the site.
My baby loves it – and come to think of it, a few of the big kids in the house like it too. In fact, I was interviewed on our local television network and the camera guy also thought it was fabulous…I had to fight to get it back. This thing is awesome.
To find out more about ZadyBall-
Tervis Tumbler
I love Arizona.
I love living here.
I even love the heat…except….
Sometimes the heat makes it impossible for me to enjoy a glass of ice water (or anything cold for that matter) unless I drink it very, very quickly – and we are talking superhuman quick here…Ice headache quick…and I’m just not willing to do that.
With Tervis, I don’t have to.
These things are awesome.
That’s right, they go beyond fabulous.
They are insulated so they stay cold.
They are double walled – so they don’t sweat (which is good, because I can never find a coaster when I need one anyway)
Drum roll please…
The come in this FABULOUS Design…
This thing has just overcome fabulous and awesome and has reached Bodacious.
I have two – one in 16 oz and one in 24 oz. They come with awesome travel lids, are super heavy duty, dishwasher safe, microwave safe, and keep my drinks filled with ice water for hours on end…that is if I don’t drink it too quickly.
I got mine at Bed Bath and Beyond (I had a COUPON!) But you can get them at too. The large cups sell for around $16.00 if you want one with a licensed logo, prepare to spend a little more.
The only thing that would make these perfect? If they DIDN’T sell them with these on them…
Just sayin’.
Cookie Dipped Drumsticks
Okay, so I have an ice cream problem.
The problem is, there is never enough. Really. That’s my problem.
I’ve always liked the quick easy ice cream treats like Klondike bars and Drumsticks – the only problem is they’ve always been messy. Klondikes break open and the ice cream melts all over and Drumsticks have those nuts that go everywhere…
But not the Cookie dipped ones.
These things are so fabulous.
The chocolate on the outside is a perfect blend of creamy chocolaty goodness with bits of crunchy chocolate cookie mixed in. The cone (as always) is crunchy and not chewy…and if you are lucky you can get one that has a caramel center.
Anyway – these things are awesome. You need one. Now.
They are sold at most grocery retailers for aproximately $6 a box of 8.
Glad OvenWare
Ok, I have a big family.
Not 18 Kids and Counting big, but still big nonetheless.
As you can imagine keeping them all fed and well-nourished can be a bit of a challenge sometimes. Especially with a mom that has two businesses, writes this silly very informative blog, and occasionally likes her Thursday Girls Night Out evenings…
So, when I cook, I cook A LOT. And I don’t cook a lot because my family eats a lot, but I cook large amounts – usually double portions – so that one full meal can be frozen for later heating and eating.
I USED to use all my glass casserole pans and large pieces of Tupperware (which are not oven-friendly and that is annoying) to do my fix and forget cooking.
Until I found these:
They come in 9x12, and 9x9 sizes and are perfect for my family’s needs. They are oven safe, dishwasher safe, freezer safe, microwave safe – and completely, totally, loss proof…why? Because they are disposable, so nobody cares if they don’t come home.
Not to mention the fact they won’t shatter like my $40.00 stoneware pan that got put into the HOT oven after coming directly out of the COLD freezer…no I didn’t do it, we don’t need to go there…
Look, these things are awesome, and they make my life as a mommy a little bit easier and more peaceful on nights where I’m pretty sure I might lose my mind if I add one more task to my plate. With these things in my freezer full of yummy pre-made dinners, I don’t have to worry that cooking for my family is going to be the straw that breaks the mommy’s back on any given day.
Glad OvenWare cost about $6.00 for a set of two or three depending on the size. I found mine at the local Kroger store, but I know Walmart, Kmart and other discount outlets offer them as well.
Fabulous doesn’t even begin to describe today’s find.
First I need to tell you a secret.
I am a closet scrap-a-holic…but I’m not very good at it.
Regardless of how pretty I can make my scrapbook pages, I do believe that it is very important to preserve your family history, and your personal history. In fact, my most treasured possession is a book written by my grandmother that details her life from childhood through marriage, children and grandchildren.
Grandma. Kept. Very. Detailed. Notes. And. Journals.
I think she may have loved to have one of these:
(image source –
Look, I was skeptical about this at first – I figured it was just another scrapbook company (I’m from Utah originally, and I know scrapbook companies are a dime a dozen…seriously, go to the yellow pages, look ‘em up.)
This thing goes beyond a scrapbook (and doesn’t even require any frilly embellishments or glue.) It’s a timeline. In one book you can chronicle decades of a lifetime in one easy to read and view format.
The pages fold out in an accordion style so that you can read the entire timeline at once, or in periods of 10 units at a time. Each unit gives you a space to note the things that are most important to you in that year.
Who was your loved one/significant other? (Or you know, who were you crushing on that year???)
What pets did you have?
What kind of car did you drive?
What school did you attend?
All at a glance.
You can flip the page over and write a detailed summary of the decade complete with embarrassing facts interesting tidbits.
You can buy either the Lifelines (which is the timeline described above) or the traditional scrapbook – OR you can opt to purchase both which come in a fabulous beautiful wonderful leather bound display quality case.
I’ve been trying to chronicle my history in this book since I got it three weeks ago. It’s been a fun walk down memory lane and a great family project (EWWWW Mom! You drove WHAT?????)
I won’t lie to you, it is a big purchase - $125.00 for the Classic Edition or $49.95 for just the LifeLines book – however, Like I said above, the most priceless possession I own is my grandmother’s history. This will last for generations, as will your family legacy – and that is what is most important.
*As with all Fabulous Finds posts – I have this product in my possession and have used it myself. I am not in any way compensated for this review of this product nor will I receive any compensation should you decide to purchase this product. Archivalife did offer me a complimentary sample of the product for review. Please refer to our disclaimer if you have any further questions.*
Masterpiece - By Julie deAzevedo
Here’s where I admit something to you all.
I like music. All kinds. My CD player contains everything from Metallica to Mana, Broadway to Boston Pops, Groupie Pop to Gospel. I’ll even admit to owning a Brittany Spears CD (from the teeny bopper years – before she got weird).
My favorite CD right now, however has got to be Masterpiece by Julie de Azevedo.
If you don’t know who she is – you can find out more about her here.
I. Love. Her. Music. Seriously.
And the cool part about Julie? She’s a mom, with a real life and real “days” and just real everything. And maybe that’s why I like her music so much – I can totally relate to her style.
The music is uplifting, it’s feel good – it’s fun to listen to. (And, when I’m listening to her CD, dancing around my kitchen, signing along at the top of my voice – my kids look at me like I’ve totally lost it – which is also a great bonus especially when they have friends over…that’s the best time to do it).
There are some great clips of her music Here: – where you can get to know her. Her music is best described as contemporary Christian – you know, songs that have GOOD messages in them not songs that talk about, well other things.
Her music is good. I promise. She’s an interesting person – the real deal. Oh, and there’s an added bonus to listening to her music – it makes you feel good. A smile is always a good thing.
Sally Hansen Real Nail Polish Strips
We are going to try something a little different today for our Fabulous Finds post...You get to see me on VIDEO! (and my lovely assistant Elizabeth...the cutest little helper EVER.)
Also - I didn't choose this because I'm prissy and like to have my nails done. I chose this because It makes me feel pretty when I have my nails done. It's totally different. Trust me.
Yes, I'm aware of the faces she's making, and I think it's totally hilarious. Silly Girl.
Here is the gorgeous picture of my with sparkles. Awww perrrtttyyy...
Wow...those are some, um...ginormous toes.
But they are pretty, and I do feel like a happy girl. So there.
Sally Hansen Nail Polish strips are about $10.00 but you can usually find a coupon to make them cheaper. They can be found at most discount and drug stores. I got mine at Walgreens.
Shark Portable Steam Pocket
Also found on our Humor Blog - - where there are products that aren't quite so helpful.
Have you ever cleaned your bathroom with a black light that is rated to see germs and bodily fluids? If not, I actually do not recommend it. You will find that what you think is a clean bathroom actually - - -well, is not. It's icky. Okay, well at least mine was. Of course we are talking about the bathroom that my five children share - one of which is a 6 year old boy, but I digress.
I took these pictures for your shock and enjoyment. (and much to my mother's utter disbelief and embarrassment - sorry mom.)
Yea, gross, right?
The thing is, this is AFTER I used a certain name brand spray cleaner to clean it up.
That's right, I said AFTER. Apparently all it did was streak the icky mess downward.
So, I decided to heat things up a bit, and pulled out my Shark Steam Pocket. I bought this thing not too long after my first steam cleaner machine pooped out on me. Probably because I rarely used it, and it sat dormant for a while - I know - bad me. Anyway - I filled it up and with some bursts of steam and a clean wash cloth (dry to wipe down with afterward...) this is the result...
Pretty stinkin' amazing right? And all of this with just WATER. My bathroom smells fresh and clean, my toilet passes the black light test, and I did it all without harsh chemicals or fumes. Anyway, I love my Shark Portable Steam Pocket. It also does this to my kitchen, my carpet, and my walls and baseboards. Clean and fresh like a daisy...the whole house.
Bounce Dryer Bar
Not too long ago I saw this fabulous commercial.
Notice how it promises busy working mothers more time simply by cutting out the step of adding a dryer sheet or liquid softener to your laundry batches. If you know me -and since you are reading this blog you most likely do – you know few things get me more excited than finding those things that allow me to shave precious seconds off of my already busy schedule. So, I decided to give it a try.
I went to the store full of grandeur and ideas about how my Laundry might now magically fold itself, and the garbage will suddenly sprout legs and walk itself to the curb. While I know these were the fanciful ideas of an overly exhausted mom, I decided to give it a try anyway.
I purchased the dryer bar, and brought it home. I ripped open the package with the excitement of a kid on Christmas morning and immediately sniffed in the glorious vapors it was emitting. This thing smells really good. Possibly a bit flowery for my husband’s taste, but really smells great nonetheless.
I installed it into the dryer. I was a bit disappointed, for some reason I thought it was a magnetic application, but alas – it is a sticky backed adhesive. I thought twice about using it. If I don’t like it am I going to have this thing stuck in my dryer forever? Will the heat permanently adhere it to the drum and I’ll end up with sticker backed foam in there? I decided to throw caution to the wind and try it out anyway. Anything for you, my precious blog readers.
The first batch of laundry I washed was a batch of whites and delicates. These things tend to have a lot of static electricity in them after coming out of the dryer (they are actually really fun to fold in the dark and watch them spark!) I was hoping the bounce dryer bar would help with this. Unfortunately, it was discovered that they were still very static clingy when coming out of the dryer after being tumbled with the bounce dryer bar installed. After attempting to fold the batch and fighting with the cling for about five minutes, I decided to throw a dryer sheet into the batch and re-run it. So much for shaving precious seconds.
The second batch I tried was towels. I ran seven full size towels and about ten wash rags through the batch. Once again, the batch came out smelling fantastic (have I mentioned how much I love how this smells?) But the softness and static cling left a lot to be desired. Again I threw a dryer sheet into the batch and restarted the dryer.
Bottom line? When used with a Dryer sheet the dryer bar works fabulously well. I enjoy the smell of the product, although I don’t know that I’d buy it simply for that alone. It does soften the batch a little bit, but perhaps not enough for my taste. It certainly didn’t help with the static cling. I’m going to go back to using simply dryer sheets – one per batch as I’ve always done – and find other ways to shave seconds off of my laundry folding duties.